No Games In App Store
Author: Tizocman // Category:-- Post From My iPhone
Dont update!!!!!!
Author: Tizocman // Category:iTunes Failing to recognize the iPhone in DFU Mode (and in add it says “iPod”)
I’ve also informed the DevTeam and if they will release a patch, we will inform you!
Update: This is what MuscleNerd replyed about a fix for this problem:
The simplest workaround I’ve heard of for the DFU issue is to copy one or two of the 10.5.5 frameworks files over the newer ones.
All I Want for Christmas is and unlock?
Author: Tizocman // Category:-- Post From My iPhone
iPhone-Dev In a Apple store
Author: Tizocman // Category:-- Post From My iPhone
Author: Tizocman // Category:This is app that adds 9 icons witch allow you to flip to corresponding springboard pages. The 9th icon is an app witch contoals witch icons are shown and if there are page headers stating the page number. With page headers your icons get closer vertically.
-- Post From My iPhone
No WiFi
Author: Tizocman // Category:Tys Dad going to Jail?
Author: Tizocman // Category:Walmart With iPhones
Author: Tizocman // Category:Walmart will be having iPhones for sell now. Bloomberg says they will carry 2 models. Most likely 8Gig and 16 Gig but there is some rumors of a 4 gig iphone.
Hide a caller(a cheaters app)
Author: Tizocman // Category:Do you have a secreat romance, a "friend" your other dosent know about? Are hoy a cheater? If so this app would be perfect for you.
-- Post From My iPhone
Need A Free itunes account go to :
Author: Tizocman // Category:Promo Codes
Author: Tizocman // Category:Pusher For Windows
Author: Tizocman // Category:Exchange Users on 2.2
Author: Tizocman // Category:To Fix This Just Delete Your Exchange Account And Then Set It Up Again From Scratch.
Author: Tizocman // Category:Steven Stroughton Smith of iphonedoom and Zodttd of have been collaborating over the last few weeks to push out a playable iPhone DOOM! While it isn't perfect yet this version has controls that are quite a bit more usable than the previous public versions and the game's performance is quite good. The main problems for me on this version are the occasional crash and some issues navigating a couple menus. I'm sure Zodttd and Steven will be working consistently in the coming weeks to sort out bugs and polish the app up a bit.
The latest version is publically available via the Games section of Cydia for you to download. All you need to do is provide your own WAD files for Doom 1 or 2 and you'll be all good to go
Author: Tizocman // Category:Linux!
Author: Tizocman // Category:This week’s funday is today! Devteam member planetbeing has done a phenomenal job reverse engineering Apple’s hardware drivers and now for the first time ever, linux is available on the iPhone and first-gen iPods.
The official announcement is here. Video, downloads, and instructions….all included.
(P.S. Feel free to digg this to help get the word out!)
iPhone Gift Cards
Author: Tizocman // Category:Give someone an iPhone 3G Gift Card and when the lucky recipient comes in to redeem it, an Apple Retail Store Specialist will take care of every detail. The Specialist will get your recipient’s iPhone 3G up and calling, set up email, and help customize the Home screen, choose some great iPhone applications, personalize ringtones, and find favorite songs.Does this make the iPhone 3G a more appealing gift possibility to anyone? Would opening an envelope and finding a shiny new iPhone 3G gift certificate, rather than an iPhone itself, be as glee worthy?
App Discounts
Author: Tizocman // Category:- Ambrosia (Now $0.99): Mr. Sudoku, Mondo Solitaire, Aki Mahjong.
- Igloo Games (Now $0.99): Dizzy Bee
- Gameloft ($2 off): Diamond Twister, Brain Challenge, Backgammon Classics, Block Breaker Deluxe 2, Midnight Bowling,
- EA ($2 off): SCRABBLE, Spore Origins, TETRIS
- Pangea (Now $0.99): Cro-Mag Rally, Bugdom 2, Enigmo.
- Free for Limited Time: 2079, 300 Bowl HTG, TapToDo, Pathways.
- Others: Classics ($0.99), CameraBag ($0.99), BeehiveIM ($15.99->$9.99)
Author: Tizocman // Category:WOZ On Hacking
Author: Tizocman // Category:It’s not very often that you get to see Steve Wozniak in a interview. Well the iPhone Dev Team found this gem of an interview and posted it for all to see. Woz speaks up on Steve Jobs, Apple, hackers, and most importantly the iPhone! I’ll stop talking… watch the video if you have not done so already!
Jailbreak 2.2!
Author: Tizocman // Category:- QuickPwn_2.2.dmg (Mac)
- (Windows)
- PwnageTool_2.2.dmg (Mac)
jailbreak 2.2
Author: Tizocman // Category:An unofficial Jailbreak method for 2.2 firmware is already out! You need to use some bundles to “modify” your PwnageTool/QuickPwn application. Read More on Chronic’s Blog
Author: Tizocman // Category:• The 2.2 firmware for 3G contains a baseband update for the 3G iPhone
• The 2.2 firmware for 2G (1st gen iPhones) doesn’t contain a baseband update and the baseband is still at 04.05.04
• We believe that our Pwnage technique (and therefore the Jailbreak) isn’t affected, but PwnageTool and QuickPwn do not support this release as yet, so DO NOT install 2.2 using iTunes as you will lose your jailbreak
• If you apply this update and you previously relied on PwnageTool or QuickPwn to activate your phone, it may become temporarily deactivated and unusable (until we release the new version of PwnageTool or QuickPwn).
• PwnageTool and QuickPwn updates will be released as soon as possible that will allow a safe update path to 2.2 the release of these updates is inevitable but not imminent, we are creating the modifications right now and we need to put the new software through the usual testing process.
• If you apply this update and you have third-party (non AppStore) applications that you rely on they will stop working.
• 2G (1st gen) iPhone users who cannot wait for the new PwnageTool or QuickPwn can safely “Update” to 2.2 using iTunes, this will preserve the existing activation. However “restoring” to 2.2 using iTunes will return the iPhone to the unactivated state. If you are in any doubt just wait. NB: This works for 2G ONLY.
• The use of SIM-Proxies (small circuit boards/chips that sit underneath the SIM card) to provide GSM/UMTS service on your locked iPhone 3G is a method that we have always advised against. Early reports suggest that the 2.2 update disables the functionality of these devices. The techniques used were always unreliable and we are surprised that they have lasted this long.
• We are not working on the 2nd generation iPod touch at the moment, so we cannot comment on what the the 2.2 software update may do to this specific model
So, as always, if you are in any doubt whatsoever please delay the install of this firmware on any of your devices until we have investigated the release in more detail. Watch this space ;-)”
Download Links For Software 2.2
Author: Tizocman // Category:- Download Firmware 2.2 iPhone 2G: iPhone1,1_2.2_5G77_Restore.ipsw
- Download Firmware 2.2 iPhone 3G: iPhone1,2_2.2_5G77_Restore.ipsw
- Download Firmware 2.2 iPod Touch 1G: iPod1,1_2.2_5G77_Restore.ipsw
- Download Firmware 2.2 iPod Touch 2G: iPod2,1_2.2_5G77a_Restore.ipsw
- Download iTunes 8.0.2 (WIN)
- Download iTunes 8.0.2 (MAC)
iPhone 2.2 OS
Author: Tizocman // Category:Posted with LifeCast
iPhone FirmWare 2.2 Tomarrow
Author: Tizocman // Category:[A] newly announced iPhone vulnerability that can force a (potentially expensive) phone call to be made simply by visiting a webpage in Safari… SIT reports that they notified Apple of the issue a month ago and that a fix will become available on November 21st through a firmware upgrade.We’ve already run down the other new features rumored to be included in 2.2, so now we just sit by iTunes, hit the Update button, and wait (unless you’ve jailbroken, then remember to steer clear!)
How To: Get myspace login info
Author: Tizocman // Category:Steps:
Jailbreak iPhone
Install Openssh(Cydia/installer) +Myspace.App(Appstore)
Download Cyberduck(Mac) Or WinSCP
Have Person Log in To Myspace With The
Open Cyberduck / Winscp And login To Your iPhone/iPod Touch
Navigate To /User/Applications/ Folder
Locate The Myspace Folder(You Should See Number + Letter In Code)
Open Up The Libary Folder
Download The Com.myspace.iphone.plist
If On Mac Open Up Plist With Plist Editor(Mac)
If On Pc Convert To Txt File Then Open
The “User” is the email and the PW is The Password. Login InFo Safe?
Author: Tizocman // Category:The Name Of the Myspace folder inside applications was the folling in my iphone not sure if its differnt or not but here u go
iRealSMS 2 Crack
Author: Tizocman // Category:SSH the files in Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries , Set Permissions to 0755.
Install iRealSMS 2. Open , then : purchase - activate - activate and enter code .
The code to enter:
its case-sensitive.
Credits : Me, Crash-x for the libs and great work , mashom , persichini.
Good Luck guys
Link : iRealSMS2_Crack.tar (20 KB)
NOTE : IF You have Intelliscreen installed , do not enable performance boost.
The crack also requires mobilesubstrate to be installed , can be found in cydia.
Note 2: Subscribe To
FAQ: It is not working for me , whats wrong ?!
1- You dont have mobilesubstrate installed
2- You have intelliscreen installed
3- you didnt set correct permissions on the files( 0755 )
4- you entered the wrong code.
5- you installed iRealSMS and not iRealSMS 2 ( they are separate packages , really )
6- you didnt place the files where they are supposed to go.
SBSettings Controls Brightness
Author: Tizocman // Category:The Monkey's Ball
Author: Tizocman //
Author: Tizocman // Category:Included are 9 factory presets including, Azure Leads, Warping Basslines, Infinite Keys, Distant Bells, Touch the Bass, Strange Places, Klang Percussive, FX Pack 1. uses ESFM and an array of features including 3 generators, 2 filters, 3 LFO, 3 sequencers, 6 effects and unlimited presets. Users can also instantly share their banks with others in an online community. is now available in the App Store for an introductory price of $9.99.
The iV is an on-the-go mobile battery charger that allows you to continue using your iPhone even as you charge it. In addition to the 30-pin Dock Connector port used for charging and syncing your iPhone, the iV also has a full-size USB port that can simultaneously charge another device such as a Bluetooth headset, digital camera, iPod or even another phone. The iV also includes a built-in flash LED that can be used for emergencies and low light photos/ videos.
Opera Update-Not ReJected?
Author: Tizocman // Category:This particular case, however, may not be entirely accurate according to further research by John Gruber.
My understanding, based on information from informed sources who do not wish to be identified because they were not authorized by their employers, is that Opera has developed an iPhone version of Opera Mini - but they haven't even submitted it to Apple, let alone had it be rejected.
Gruber had previously believed that the browser had been rejected due to a built-in JavaScript interpreter, however he clarifies that this was incorrect. In fact, Opera Mini does not contain such interpretive code. As explained by Gruber:
In a nut, it works like this: You request a URL in Opera Mini. Opera Mini makes the request to a proxy server run by Opera. Opera's proxy server connects to the web server hosting the requested URL, and renders the page into an image. This image is then transmitted (in a proprietary format called OBML - Opera Binary Markup Language) to the Opera Mini client. Opera Mini displays the rendered image on screen. This may sound convoluted, but apparently the result is very effective - its faster to transmit, because only OBML (a compressed binary format) is transmitted to the mobile device over the phone network, and far faster to render on slow mobile processors.
However the current version of Opera's Mini browser for other platforms is coded using Java (and BREW) which is not supported on the iPhone and is against the terms of the SDK. In order for Opera Mini to be made officially available, the program would have to be ported to C/Objective-C.
Update: Upon further investigation, the differences between the New York Times and John Gruber's accountings may be based in semantics rather than substance.
An Opera employee blog seems to indicate that Apple is indeed using anti-competitive reasoning for keeping the Opera Mini browser off the iPhone. However, neither the employee's blog entry nor the New York Times article indicate that the browser was officially submitted to the App Store and rejected, the point to which Gruber took issue. It remains possible that Apple and Opera have been communicating via channels outside of the App Store submission process.
Author: Tizocman // Category:Proxy Pal
Author: Tizocman // Category:2nd Gen iTouch JB
Author: Tizocman // Category:Text Masks
Author: Tizocman // Category:2.2 Rate App On Delete
Author: Tizocman // Category:- Public Transit Times and Walking Directions
- Location Sharing
Opera Mini Denied!
Author: Tizocman // Category:Free Wifi!
Author: Tizocman // Category:PriceNowFree
Author: Tizocman //
My Twitter is:
My Twitter Automaticlly post when i have a new blog post so its a good way to stay up to date
iTouch Ad
Author: Tizocman // Category:$99 iPhone?
Author: Tizocman // Category:Just when you thought things couldn’t get interesting enough, someone goes and says something crazy.
Apple has the room to cut the price of the iPhone to where it could take command of the smartphone market, analyst Charlie Wolf of Needham Research wrote today in a research note by way of Electronista.
According to Wolf, the average, unsubsidized price of an iPhone 3G in the summer was $666 and would therefore give Apple a nearly 50 percent gross margin on each unit (as well as a heavy subsidy from AT&T of $450). That’s a lot of wiggle room — so much, in fact, that the big Apple could drop the price of an 8GB iPhone to — take a deep breath now — $99 while still managing a comfortable 42.3 percent margin.
Hosanna, hosanna in the highest! the angels sung.
Electronista also notes that the company’s dramatic growth in non-GAAP revenue could also give Apple a significant amount of breathing space to play with the iPhone’s price by cushioning more substantial price cuts
But the bottom line is this: A price drop to such degree is a potentially devastating swipe at competitors in the market. Wolf writes that lopping off $100 of the iPhone 3G’s advertised price could “double or triple” projected sales and quickly overtake most other smartphones on the market, leaving only successful “niche” smartphone manufacturers like Research in Motion, which produces the BlackBerry.
Google Earth capability doesn’t hurt, either.
When an in-demand phone’s price drops, its spot on the sales charts usually rises, especially in the U.S., where subsidies are often not as steep as those in Europe. Case in point: Despite a strong launch, the iPhone 3G was outsold by Motorola RAZRs in the summer thanks to free or near-free pricing with many carriers. Even RIM is in on the action: BlackBerries have also taken two out of the top five positions in NPD phone sales figures for the summer as the Curve and Pearl began selling for $100 or less on certain contracts, Electronista notes.
So that brings me to a simple question: Could a $99 iPhone rule the world? (Or, for Android fans, could a $148.88 T-Mobile G1 rule the world?
iSteamy Beta
Author: Tizocman // Category:MewSeek
Author: Tizocman // Category:You can sign up for an account in the Settings. If you already had an account for iSlsk…you can use that same username and password. File Search still allows you to search for files and looks exactly that same as it did before. The same goes for the Transfers option…looks and functions the same as before. The only option that is not currently available is the Downloads option. MewSeek does not (at this time) download the files to your stock iPod application on your iPhone or iPod Touch either. However, the files that you download can be played via PwnPlayer. They show up in PwnPlayer’s File System section and play with no problem (at least the ones I tried).
Overall MewSeek works great…I did not have any issues using the application. I also love that it continues to download files in the background when you close the application. When MewSeek is connected, you will get a little MewSeek icon on your Status Bar. To disconnect MewSeek just go into Settings and select the Disconnect button in the upper left corner. Like all P2P clients, be sure to read all information regarding the use of this application before using.
Taken From AIS
GPS on 1st Gen iPhone
Author: Tizocman // Category:OrangeGadgets is on the brink of releasing an add on GPS module for the iPhone, the iGPS360. This is excellent news for all of you with 1st generation iPhones… what’s the catch you ask? I’m glad you asked… you have to jailbreak your device for it to work. The reason for this is that Apple has not allowed any 3rd party access to the operating system via the dock connector. So jailbreaking is the only way.
The iGPS360 is now available to order for $75.00. For that price you will also receive a 6ft USB-A to micro USB-B cable for on-the-go or at home charging. According to their website the module begins shipping today. Keep in mind, they are only producing 1000 of these units so if you want GPS, act fast!
From TiPb
Download Podcast on iPhone
Author: Tizocman // Category:A tipster shared with us some screenshots of the new firmware, including what appears to be the ability to download podcasts directly to your iPhone (and presumably your iPod touch)TUAW says this could explain Apple’s rejection of PodCaster, but an explanation still does not a justification make. Still, this would be awesome functionality for those who don’t always have a chance to tether and sync for their podcasts. We’re guessing it will still be limited to WiFi only, however, like the iTunes store, to limit carrier data load for 50MB+ sound files — and even them will the (typically much larger) video podcasts be enabled?
MacRumors (via iPhoneHellas), meanwhile, shows off a new alert box that asks users deleting an application to rate it prior to deletion. Valuable metrics, or Just Another Annoying Pop-up?
from TiPb
Apple HDTV
Author: Tizocman // Category:Calacanis: Apple to release networked HDTVs
Yesterday I spent a couple of hours here at the office with Valleywags's most cherished and adored tech celebrity, Jason Calacanis. Love him or hate him, the bloke's got contacts, and he confirmed to me that he knew first-hand that Apple was working on a networked television.
These LCD HDTVs will be fully networked, with the ability to stream all your iTunes content from your Mac or PC. In fact, Calacanis told me they'll function like a standard TV with an Apple Tv box, only without the need for the box.
In many ways, this isn't surprising news, as Apple already produces a stunning 30 Inch Display for the Mac. So picture that -- only thinner -- in a bedroom, streaming iTunes movie rentals over 802.11n, controlled with the Remote app on an iPod Touch or iPhone.
Apple has really gone to town with the iTunes Store, securing movie downloads, rentals and a massive archive of TV shows, new and old. Why would it sit back while movie fans go out and buy some generic HDTV to connect up to their PC to watch this content, when it already has the means to provide a complete package itself?
TVs are a huge market. What better way to extend the iTunes Store than by providing an elegant TV that seamlessly integrates with its movie and TV offerings? Apple Computer Inc dropped the 'Computer' for a reason, and I have no reason to doubt that this has been on the roadmap ever since.
A2DP & AVRCP On All iPods And iPhones
Author: Tizocman // Category:Straight from the Horses mouth. 8Bananas has seemingly brought A2DP and AVRCP to the ipod and iPhone.
-Add Bluetooth® AD2P (wireless audio streaming) as well as AVRCP to your iPod or iPhone! Simply connect the BD-906 to the 30 pin dock connector at the bottom of the iPod or iPhone, play a song or start a video, pair your Bluetooth headset, speakers or receiver and your ready to go!
• Simply connects to dock connector of the iPod or iPhone
• Powered by the iPod or iPhone
• Compatible with ALL iPod models with dock connectors
• Compatible with the iPhone and iPhone 3G
• High quality sound reproduction
• Versatile auto-pairing with passkeys 0000, 1234 or 8888
• Independant volume controls
• USB pass-through for charging iPod/iPhone
• Compliant with Bluetooth V2.0
• Support A2DP and AVRCP
This supports:
• ALL iPods with dock connector inc. latest generation iPod Nano 4th, touch 2G and Classic 2G
• iPhone and iPhone 3G
Author: Tizocman // Category:LockDockBar
Author: Tizocman // Category:This utility puts your Phone, Mail, SMS, and Calendar apps on your lock screen above slide to unlock for quick and easy access. Just a quick install from Cydia and you can access all four of the applications mentioned above with a quick finger tap from the lockscreen. No slide to unlocked needed.
Google Earth in App Store!
Author: Tizocman // Category:First Class Jerk
Author: Tizocman // Category:"First Class Jerk"
"Seems like Mrs Ari Gold desperately needs some lessons in how to correctly use her iPhone 2G. This gaffe was made in last night’s Entourage titled First Class Jerk. With all their money you’d think that Ari would have bought her a 3G version and paid for lessons on how to use it ;-) We have a member in LA, maybe we’ll send him over ;-)"
-iphone dev team
iPhone Cookbook
Author: Tizocman // Category:SBSETTINGS 0.90b
Author: Tizocman // Category:BigBoss
Dev Team
iPhone Firmware 2.2 Beta 2
Author: Tizocman // Category:MAPS.APP
-Street View
-Bus Directions
-Walkimg Directions
iPhones 4 House?
Author: Tizocman // Category:The CAO has been testing the device. Currently they are useing 8,200 Blackberries.
Falling Sands
Author: Tizocman // Category:This App uses the accelerometer to move Particles You have made. You may use sand, oil, water, salt.
200 Million Downloads
Author: Tizocman // Category:Welcome
Author: Tizocman // Category:I will keep you posted with news as I am permited
Author: Tizocman // Category:THEME TEAM
Author: Tizocman // Category:QuickPwn Windows update
Author: Tizocman // Category: pwnagetool 2.0.2 2.0.3 iphone 3g hack quickpwnPosted on 12 Aug 2008 at 16:28 UTC
Author: Tizocman // Category:Check email out