2.2 Rate App On Delete

Author: Tizocman // Category:
Apple has changed the way of rating applications of iPhone and iPod touch. Earlier, if you had to write a review at iPhone App Store to rate applications, now there is another way coming.
In the new firmware version 2.2 everytime you uninstall an application new rating screen will appear and you’ll be asked to rate that application or you can also click on No Thanks
iPhone firmware 2.2 Beta 2 have revealed a number of new features including:
- Google Street View
- Public Transit Times and Walking Directions
- Location Sharing

Opera Mini Denied!

Author: Tizocman // Category:
Mr. von Tetzchner said that Opera’s engineers have developed a version of Opera Mini that can run on an Apple iPhone, but Apple won’t let the company release it because it competes with Apple’s own Safari browser.

Free Wifi!

Author: Tizocman // Category:
AT&T knows Wi-Fi is hot, and FREE Wi-Fi is even hotter. Which is why FREE AT&T Wi-Fi access is now available for Apple iPhone at thousands of hotspots nationwide, including Starbucks*. Users can relax and access music, email and web browsing services with their favorite blend in hand from the comfort of their nearest location. For information visitwww.att.com/attwifi.


Author: Tizocman // Category:
Many Apps Are Changing there Prices Some Are Even Making them Free. So I Got An Rss Feed from AppShoper And Turned it into a Twiter Account.


My Twitter is:
My Twitter Automaticlly post when i have a new blog post so its a good way to stay up to date

iTouch Ad

Author: Tizocman // Category:
If You Visit  Youtube.com Apple has a Large Ad Covering most of the page.

CodeWeavers CrossOver For Free?

Author: Tizocman // Category: , ,
Today (8/28/08) only, CodeWeavers.com offers its CrossOver for Mac software for free. That's $40 off and the lowest price we've seen. CrossOver for Mac enables you to install Windows applications and games on your Intel Mac.

$99 iPhone?

Author: Tizocman // Category:
I found this article interesting.... but also had to laugh as well if Apple does this since there is so much competition out there right now...

Just when you thought things couldn’t get interesting enough, someone goes and says something crazy.

Apple has the room to cut the price of the iPhone to where it could take command of the smartphone market, analyst Charlie Wolf of Needham Research wrote today in a research note by way of Electronista.

According to Wolf, the average, unsubsidized price of an iPhone 3G in the summer was $666 and would therefore give Apple a nearly 50 percent gross margin on each unit (as well as a heavy subsidy from AT&T of $450). That’s a lot of wiggle room — so much, in fact, that the big Apple could drop the price of an 8GB iPhone to — take a deep breath now — $99 while still managing a comfortable 42.3 percent margin.

Hosanna, hosanna in the highest! the angels sung.
Electronista also notes that the company’s dramatic growth in non-GAAP revenue could also give Apple a significant amount of breathing space to play with the iPhone’s price by cushioning more substantial price cuts

But the bottom line is this: A price drop to such degree is a potentially devastating swipe at competitors in the market. Wolf writes that lopping off $100 of the iPhone 3G’s advertised price could “double or triple” projected sales and quickly overtake most other smartphones on the market, leaving only successful “niche” smartphone manufacturers like Research in Motion, which produces the BlackBerry.

Google Earth capability doesn’t hurt, either.

When an in-demand phone’s price drops, its spot on the sales charts usually rises, especially in the U.S., where subsidies are often not as steep as those in Europe. Case in point: Despite a strong launch, the iPhone 3G was outsold by Motorola RAZRs in the summer thanks to free or near-free pricing with many carriers. Even RIM is in on the action: BlackBerries have also taken two out of the top five positions in NPD phone sales figures for the summer as the Curve and Pearl began selling for $100 or less on certain contracts, Electronista notes.

So that brings me to a simple question: Could a $99 iPhone rule the world? (Or, for Android fans, could a $148.88 T-Mobile G1 rule the world?

iSteamy Beta

Author: Tizocman // Category:
iSteamy Beta For 2.x Was Leaked and Posted on the The Xsellize Repo. Me Being a Minor cannot leagaly download this app so if any one wants to email me a review of this app is will be Posted 


Author: Tizocman // Category:
If you remember iSlsk, a P2P client from firmware 1.1.4 and below, you will recognize MewSeek. MewSeek is iSlsk for firmware 2.x. It has basically the same look and the same features as iSlsk. When you open MewSeek, you will get a Terms of Agreement in which you will need to accept before entering into the application. Once in the application, you will notice that the lower menu options have not changed they still include; What’s New which gives you more information about the application, Settings, File Search, Transfers and Downloads.

You can sign up for an account in the Settings. If you already had an account for iSlsk…you can use that same username and password. File Search still allows you to search for files and looks exactly that same as it did before. The same goes for the Transfers option…looks and functions the same as before. The only option that is not currently available is the Downloads option. MewSeek does not (at this time) download the files to your stock iPod application on your iPhone or iPod Touch either. However, the files that you download can be played via PwnPlayer. They show up in PwnPlayer’s File System section and play with no problem (at least the ones I tried).
Overall MewSeek works great…I did not have any issues using the application. I also love that it continues to download files in the background when you close the application. When MewSeek is connected, you will get a little MewSeek icon on your Status Bar. To disconnect MewSeek just go into Settings and select the Disconnect button in the upper left corner. Like all P2P clients, be sure to read all information regarding the use of this application before using.
Taken From AIS

GPS on 1st Gen iPhone

Author: Tizocman // Category:
Did you think we forgot all of you on 1st generation iPhones? Well we here at TiPb have not forgotten any of you! If you have been craving true GPS for you iPhone well here is your chance to grab it while you can.
OrangeGadgets is on the brink of releasing an add on GPS module for the iPhone, the iGPS360. This is excellent news for all of you with 1st generation iPhones… what’s the catch you ask? I’m glad you asked… you have to jailbreak your device for it to work. The reason for this is that Apple has not allowed any 3rd party access to the operating system via the dock connector. So jailbreaking is the only way.
The iGPS360 is now available to order for $75.00. For that price you will also receive a 6ft USB-A to micro USB-B cable for on-the-go or at home charging. According to their website the module begins shipping today. Keep in mind, they are only producing 1000 of these units so if you want GPS, act fast!
[Via Buymeaniphone.com]

From TiPb

Download Podcast on iPhone

Author: Tizocman // Category:
Hot on the heels of all the iPhone 2.2 firmware Beta 2 goodness from Google, which included Street-View, Transit and Walking Directions, and Location Sharing, comes word on a couple more features for us to rumor over. TUAW says:
A tipster shared with us some screenshots of the new firmware, including what appears to be the ability to download podcasts directly to your iPhone (and presumably your iPod touch)
TUAW says this could explain Apple’s rejection of PodCaster, but an explanation still does not a justification make. Still, this would be awesome functionality for those who don’t always have a chance to tether and sync for their podcasts. We’re guessing it will still be limited to WiFi only, however, like the iTunes store, to limit carrier data load for 50MB+ sound files — and even them will the (typically much larger) video podcasts be enabled?
MacRumors (via iPhoneHellas), meanwhile, shows off a new alert box that asks users deleting an application to rate it prior to deletion. Valuable metrics, or Just Another Annoying Pop-up?

from TiPb

Apple HDTV

Author: Tizocman // Category:

Calacanis: Apple to release networked HDTVs

Yesterday I spent a couple of hours here at the office with Valleywags's most cherished and adored tech celebrity, Jason Calacanis. Love him or hate him, the bloke's got contacts, and he confirmed to me that he knew first-hand that Apple was working on a networked television.

These LCD HDTVs will be fully networked, with the ability to stream all your iTunes content from your Mac or PC. In fact, Calacanis told me they'll function like a standard TV with an Apple Tv box, only without the need for the box.

In many ways, this isn't surprising news, as Apple already produces a stunning 30 Inch Display for the Mac. So picture that -- only thinner -- in a bedroom, streaming iTunes movie rentals over 802.11n, controlled with the Remote app on an iPod Touch or iPhone.

Apple has really gone to town with the iTunes Store, securing movie downloads, rentals and a massive archive of TV shows, new and old. Why would it sit back while movie fans go out and buy some generic HDTV to connect up to their PC to watch this content, when it already has the means to provide a complete package itself?

TVs are a huge market. What better way to extend the iTunes Store than by providing an elegant TV that seamlessly integrates with its movie and TV offerings? Apple Computer Inc dropped the 'Computer' for a reason, and I have no reason to doubt that this has been on the roadmap ever since.

A2DP & AVRCP On All iPods And iPhones

Author: Tizocman // Category:

Straight from the Horses mouth. 8Bananas has seemingly brought A2DP and AVRCP to the ipod and iPhone.

-Add Bluetooth® AD2P (wireless audio streaming) as well as AVRCP to your iPod or iPhone! Simply connect the BD-906 to the 30 pin dock connector at the bottom of the iPod or iPhone, play a song or start a video, pair your Bluetooth headset, speakers or receiver and your ready to go!


• Simply connects to dock connector of the iPod or iPhone
• Powered by the iPod or iPhone
• Compatible with ALL iPod models with dock connectors
• Compatible with the iPhone and iPhone 3G
• High quality sound reproduction
• Versatile auto-pairing with passkeys 0000, 1234 or 8888
• Independant volume controls
• USB pass-through for charging iPod/iPhone
• Compliant with Bluetooth V2.0
• Support A2DP and AVRCP

This supports:
• ALL iPods with dock connector inc. latest generation iPod Nano 4th, touch 2G and Classic 2G
• iPhone and iPhone 3G



Author: Tizocman // Category:
QuickUnlock provides more options for locking/unlocking your iPhone. If your phone is locked simply hit the home button three times to unlock temporarily. After you hit the home button three times you'll be able to browse around your home screen for 10 seconds. If you do not choose an app or hit the home button again during those ten seconds your phone will re-lock automatically.


Author: Tizocman // Category:

This utility puts your Phone, Mail, SMS, and Calendar apps on your lock screen above slide to unlock for quick and easy access. Just a quick install from Cydia and you can access all four of the applications mentioned above with a quick finger tap from the lockscreen. No slide to unlocked needed.

Google Earth in App Store!

Author: Tizocman // Category:
Google Released Google Earth For The iPhone. This App is Free So Go Check it out.

First Class Jerk

Author: Tizocman // Category:

"First Class Jerk"

"Seems like Mrs Ari Gold desperately needs some lessons in how to correctly use her iPhone 2G. This gaffe was made in last night’s Entourage titled First Class Jerk. With all their money you’d think that Ari would have bought her a 3G version and paid for lessons on how to use it ;-) We have a member in LA, maybe we’ll send him over ;-)"

-iphone dev team

iPhone Cookbook

Author: Tizocman // Category:
I just downloaded the pdf and am looking thru it to learn how to code.


Author: Tizocman // Category:

Made a SpringBoard Extenstion that Duplicates BossPrefs
This App Shows You All The Info Boss Prefs Did and Shows it much nicer.
How Do You Get This!
Right Now Its In Beta. But You can download it at thebigboss.com 
the how to is in his post.

iPhone 3G Unlocked!

Author: Tizocman // Category: ,
There is now a video on the dev teams blog. This video shows the 3G baseband tool which is the Unlock. MuscleNerd (dev team member says its a real software unlock.

Dev Team

3G Baseband Tool from iphonedev on Vimeo.

iPhone Firmware 2.2 Beta 2

Author: Tizocman // Category:
-Street View
-Bus Directions
-Walkimg Directions


iPhones 4 House?

Author: Tizocman // Category:
The House Could be Getting iPhones.
The CAO has been testing the device. Currently they are useing 8,200 Blackberries.

Falling Sands

Author: Tizocman // Category:
Our Friend, Mr Emulator Porter, Zodttd's Gets An App into App Store.
This App uses the accelerometer to move Particles You have made. You may use sand, oil, water, salt.

200 Million Downloads

Author: Tizocman // Category:
The App Store Has Gotten Over 200 Million Downloads. This is great Feat because the App Store Broke $100 Million last Month. It's Seems Apple is improving on A monthly Basis.

Purple iPhone 3G

Author: Tizocman // Category: ,

Its Purple and it Dont Look Painted Or anything.

Twitter Account

Author: Tizocman // Category:
My Twitter Account



Author: Tizocman // Category:
Welcome to my blog.
I will keep you posted with news as I am permited

"Security Issue"

Author: Tizocman // Category: , ,
Dear Reader,

If You Lock An iPhone with Passcode, press emergency call and call yourself you get access to your deleted voice messages.

Forever Hacking,


Author: Tizocman // Category:

This is my youtube page for theme reviews for the iPhone and iPod Touch.