JULIAN SMITH - 50,000 Shoes (Soles4Souls)

Author: Tizocman // Category:

Do iT

Twouble with Twitters

Author: Tizocman // Category:

Funny Video

Motion 3 Contest!

Author: Tizocman // Category:

Sub To Him

Lightbike Update

Author: Tizocman // Category:
- Improved AI- Added pause
- Volume controller of BGM and SE
- Selectable colors
- Selectable field sizes
- Smooth camera work
- Increased the reaction rate of 1 player mode and 2 players mode
- Icon chaneges
- Fixed some bugs

JULIAN SMITH - Get Your Own iPhone: Party (Ep. 1)

Author: Tizocman // Category:

Very Funny

Ode to MobileMe by joesummerhays.wordpress.com

Author: Tizocman // Category:

funny video i just saw this

Rick Roll: The Literal Version

Author: Tizocman // Category:


charity water -- PLEASE HELP!!

Author: Tizocman // Category:

Help Out

Make Free iTunes Account

Author: Tizocman // Category:

iPhone Xtras

Power Slider For iPhone 3G Review

Author: Tizocman // Category:

Video Review

Next gen iPhone

Author: Tizocman // Category:
iPhone 1st gen = 1,1
iPhone 3G = 1,2
iPhone Next gen = 2,2

-- Post From My iPhone


Author: Tizocman // Category:

App that lets you send video feed of screen thru Audio/Video cables. This App is very handy becuase one of our iphones is for the girls to play games and music and they fight about one cant see the screen and now i just send the feed to any tv near by and no more fighting.

-- Post From My iPhone


Author: Tizocman // Category:
mAdvLock is a App that let's you lock app with a password. The Previous app that did this was Lockdown but mAdvLock has a feature that let's you lock files within your iPhone. When These are Locked They are hidden from other file viewers and shown only within the app to let you later unlock.

-- Post From My iPhone

100th Post+Copy And Paste

Author: Tizocman // Category:
Today I Reached 100 Post for Tizocman.blogspot.com. This Time Is Huge For Me Because the United States Of America is Swearing in its new Prez (Obama). And For the iPhone And iPod Touch Users We Got A Big Break Thru Today. COPY AND PASTE SYSTEM WIDE!!!!! Copy and Paste is now a real thing for the public check Cydia. ITS Clippy Beta.

Screen Shots Here:

Customize 2.1 working on 2.2

Author: Tizocman // Category:
Buy working I mean leting you change system strings and that's it.

-- Post From My iPhone

Guitar Hero on iPhone

Author: Tizocman // Category:
Not really but just as good if not better. Tap Tap is known by most iPhone and iPod touch user but famous with pre 2.0 users as there was a mid of the game to make it seem as you were using GH3 now there is a mid to use with winterboard. This mod is publiclly avalible with cydia. This mod was very much thought out as it includes themed two player mod and every thing but the name string on the spring board make me feel like it's a legit copy of GH.

-- Post From My iPhone

Phishing on twitter!

Author: Tizocman // Category:

I got a message about a blog that was claiming to be me and got a tinyurl.com link that sent me to twiter.access-logins(dot)com as a was shocked to see a login page for twiter a removed the subdomain to see what kind of site this was and I got another login page but facebook!!! Yes facebook check image!! How stupid is this guy.

-- Post From My iPhone

2.2 bug

Author: Tizocman // Category:
As I tried to update PBJ Time appstore crashed and left me with this know appstore won't let me remove the app or update it.

-- Post From My iPhone


Author: Tizocman // Category:
I got bluesn0w working with wifi on and got my macbooks mac address but will not post that screenshot.

-- Post From My iPhone

icons based on gender

Author: Tizocman // Category:

Icon used to get app used more? It's possible 360mind made two dating tips app one for each gender the one for dudes has a image of a "sexy" woman. And the one for chicks has a more "love" feel.

-- Post From My iPhone

YelloSn0w update

Author: Tizocman // Category:
Yellowsn0w .9.2 has been released check blog.iPhone-dev.org for more info and to report success or failure to better this project

-- Post From My iPhone

User Agent Faker (SBSettings)

Author: Tizocman // Category:
UAF is another addon for SBSettings. This one let's you send webpage request as firefox instead of mobilesafari. This helps for pages that use a mobile page for iPhones instead of the regular page.

-- Post From My iPhone

iPod Control (SBSettings)

Author: Tizocman // Category:
In Cydia there is a new add on for SBSettings that let's you play and pause a song. A great feature is that if the iPod was not playing a song (or has one paused) it picks a random song from your iPod.

-- Post From My iPhone

Cydia Storage Finally!

Author: Tizocman // Category:
Cydia has finally added Storage within the mange section. It displays to multicolor piechats show space taken and space left. It also tells you percentages of where your disk space is going.

-- Post From My iPhone

Package settings within cydia

Author: Tizocman // Category:
As I was updating Cydia I Noticed. A new feature in cydia let's you see updates on apps not installed. This is a good idea for up and coming apps with bugs that you don't want betas on your device but want to know when the stable versions come out.

-- Post From My iPhone

Yellowsn0w updated within minutes of release

Author: Tizocman // Category:
Yep it's up to .91 now

-- Post From My iPhone

Legit iPhone customers don't unlock your iPhone 3G

Author: Tizocman // Category:

Why? Because your signal will lag in and out from time to time nothing major but could get annoying to sum

As I wrote that part of the articule it happened so I chose to sceenshot it
-- Post From My iPhone


Author: Tizocman // Category:

-- Post From My iPhone

3G unlock here!

Author: Tizocman // Category:
It's here how use it install and reboot

-- Post From My iPhone

Dev Team Update on iPhone 3G

Author: Tizocman // Category:
Basiclly They Got it To work on the baseband that came with 2.2 So All Users Who Updated To 2.2 Thru iTunes You Get To Unlock. Actully You Need To Update thru iTunes Because the unlock requires the 2.28.00 baseband which you can only get thru itunes update or normal restore.

Taken From Blog.iphone-dev.org
The unlock about to be released works exclusively with baseband 02.28.00. This baseband is provided by the latest firmware update (2.2) from Apple. You’ll need to upgrade to this release using iTunes and then use QuickPwn to activate etc. There are plenty of tutorials about this on iclarified, bigboss, and other established tutorial sites. Because it works on 02.28.00, it is available to everyone on the planet. This means we don’t need to unnecessarily expose holes in earlier basebands, which is an important concern.
The application is a small daemon that is launched on boot. It injects the payload at boot and also whenever there is a baseband reset. You won’t notice anything about it other than that your third-party sim now works. It’s a small program and unobtrusive. There is no GUI (this is by design).
You can add the application using the sources outlined below (coming soon). There are Cydia and Installer sources available, so use whichever you are comfortable using.
There is a known issue with SIM cards that have STK (SIM Toolkit) application menus. These menus are usually items such as “top up” “get credit” etc. These menu items confuse the application sometimes. Removing and reinserting the SIM once after reboot (give it about 10 secs after you see the slide to unlock widget) fixes this issue. We’re working on a better fix.
For those of you using SIM cards without STK menus, the application has some optional arguments that will make the unlock much faster for you. So either experiment on your own (use “yellowsn0w -h” for usage) or wait for a customization writeup.
After you install yellowsn0w via Cydia, you should return to the Cydia main menu then reboot your iPhone with the 3rd party SIM installed. Wait for the slide to unlock screen, then wait 10 or 15 secs more. If you don’t see your carrier name pop up, then remove your SIM, reinsert it, and wait 10 secs more. This is the step we’ll be working on eliminating next.
The application is version 0.9. This is considered beta software, you use it at your own risk. You know the score.
The application is released on a non-commerical basis. Please do not accept pirates and scummy ripoffs of this software. We license this software for single use and in a non-commerical environment (meaning you can’t charge for it). The techniques and methods used are not to be used by third party companies. We are watching you Jody…we won’t be so forgiving this time.
Direct linking to the repository URLs is prohibited, please only link to this post. We will be checking referers.
Happy 2009 and enjoy!
The iPhone 3G is used all over the

New Look

Author: Tizocman // Category:
The Blog Has Gotten A New Look Thanks To The Folks At ThemeLib.com. It Brings a great iPhone Feel.


Author: Tizocman // Category:
AdBlock Will Block All Ads Expect Those From AdMob As They Claim Most apps using them require their use for function.

Cydia Update

Author: Tizocman // Category:
As You Can Se Cydia Has Recieved A Major Graphical Update. Images Within Cydia its self Load Faster and smother. The Images Also Have Been Change.

-- Post From My iPhone