Exchange Users on 2.2

Author: Tizocman // Category:
If You Use Exhange And Recentlly Updated To 2.2 You May Have Noticed That Your Battery Life Was Shorter And Your iPhone Was Heating Up. If So The Reason For This Is Because The 2.2 Update Does Not Agree With Current Exchange Settings. The iPhone Keeps Searching For Mail instead of Waiting for it to be Recieved thru Push. 
To Fix This Just Delete Your Exchange Account And Then Set It Up Again From Scratch.


Author: Tizocman // Category:
iPhone DOOM has been in the works for over a year now with more or less success. For all of you that have been waiting for this for the last year it seems that the game is finally being refined into a more solid and playable version!

Steven Stroughton Smith of iphonedoom and Zodttd of have been collaborating over the last few weeks to push out a playable iPhone DOOM! While it isn't perfect yet this version has controls that are quite a bit more usable than the previous public versions and the game's performance is quite good. The main problems for me on this version are the occasional crash and some issues navigating a couple menus. I'm sure Zodttd and Steven will be working consistently in the coming weeks to sort out bugs and polish the app up a bit.

The latest version is publically available via the Games section of Cydia for you to download. All you need to do is provide your own WAD files for Doom 1 or 2 and you'll be all good to go